4 PhDs have been planned. Roughly speaking, PhD1.1 dealing with symmetrical (i.e. interactive and cooperative) learning algorithm and PhD1.2 with the generation of different kinds of explanations thanks to an adapted case based reasoning approach are going to be the spine of Research Front 1. Algorithms coming out from these both PhDs are going to use historical data coming from available sensors, with an analysis of the impact of the number of sensors, and knowledge provided by occupants thanks to relevant interactions. PhD2 will focus on the interactions between the occupants and the IHEMAS {tooltip}1{end-texte}Interactive Home Energy Management Aid System.{end-tooltip}, with a special focus on how to engage inhabitants in sobriety and flexibility. PhD3 is dedicated on the validation and comparison of existing levers like regular detailed household analysis reports with impacts, gamification with competitions and contests in collective buildings, but also more innovative approach developed in research front 1, *i.e.* interactive and cooperative approaches. Different approaches are going to be followed: field eco-experimentation with a reference group of households with a low density of sensors, physical modeling as a comparison to the historical data approach, but also detailed analysis of few households already instrumented with many sensors.
1.. Interactive Home Energy Management Aid System. ↩