Learning Home will experiment different approaches to involve occupants to be more sober and more flexible in collective residential buildings. Different behavioral levers are going to be tested. One challenge is about measuring the impact of each lever: while it is relatively easy to measure a lever impact on energy consumption, it is difficult to assess an impact on energy used for heating. The assessments of the results follow two complementary approaches: an energy performance verification protocol for measuring over a few weeks the energy impacts of levers by measuring then for extrapolating them to a year by propagating uncertainties, and the analysis of household behavior regarding energy usage.
LearningHome is a 4 years research project referenced « ANR-21-CE22-0017-01 », funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR). It is a 1.3 millions euros collaborative project between academic research laboratories and one company involved in R&D. It was abounded in the framework of the generic call for projects in 2021.